Saturday, October 22, 2016

The difference between Sharp IR sensors and Ultrasonic sensors in object detection

 The basic difference between these two sensors is the medium that they use to sense the object. IR sensors use IR beams whereas ultrasonic sensors use ultrasonic beams instead. There are some external and internal factors that affect these results.
  • External light
Since the sharp IR sensors have a weak light filtering system, the readings show a significant difference in bright day light and night.
As the counterpart, ultra sonic sensor uses a sonic burst which is not affected by the light conditions. So the reading stays as same for bright day light and night.
  • Color of the surface
As a fact we know that black surfaces absorb light and white surfaces reflect light, the same principle is applicable for the sharp IR sensors. White surfaces reflect the IR beam and black surfaces absorb most of the energy of the incident beam. Therefore, white surfaces show almost accurate readings for a wider range of distances than the black surfaces, where the accuracy persists only up to a few centimeters.
Since different colored surfaces cannot absorb ultrasonic beam differently, readings stay same for every colored surfaces.
  • Size of the beam
                  Sharp IR beam angle is limited to 10 degrees and ultrasonic sensor has a 60-degree beam.        

Therefore, sharp IR sensor can exactly locate the position of the object whereas ultrasonic sensor cannot locate the exact position of the object. But, it is better for sensing obstacles due to the wide range.
  • Nature of the surface
If objects have rough surfaces, they can scatter the incident beam emitted by both the sensors.
  • Inclined objects
If the object is not perpendicular to the ground, then again readings will be off according to the inclination.
  • External sound
If you are using ultrasonic sensor for a robot, then motors are producing humming noises which will interfere with ultrasonic bursts produced by the sensor. Also, surrounding noises will affect the readings.
When using more than one ultrasonic sensor, sound bursts from a one sensor may be identified by another sensor as its own, due to its wider beam. This will not course much effect on the sharp IR sensor because of its narrower beam.

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